We Are Liquid
We Are Liquid We have the capacity to hold the liquid of our existence within this corporal container. Not a solid unmoving rigid block, locked in an unyielding animation. Nor an ever expanding mist, diffused, suspended, condensing to a fit of the vapours. We are liquid. Held in loving dermal layers; moving with our thought; […]
Poem #2
My Sadness blankets me, wiping the sleep from my eyes. Like a duvet, a snowfall quilt covering the dips and troughs of the day. All I see is numbness stretching across to the horizon. I stumble through the drift, wading across this unfeeling, unaware of what is beneath Sometimes ankle deep, sometimes I tumble into […]
Writing for Change
With most clients, I encourage journaling. I ask them to find a regular time, preferably daily or weekly, to write. I think it is an excellent way to uncover feeling that are just out of our awareness which we can explore in our time together. It can feel a little intimidating, especially, if like me, […]

©Alastair Coomes

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